PLAY: Wondering about whether signing with your baby is beneficial?
I wanted to share this article with my readers:
I knew the potential benefits for using it with my own child, because I had researched it, worked with it and seen it benefit MANY other families. However, I had NO idea just how beneficial it would be.
My two year old has been learning to sign since he was younger than 6 months, and has not ever had a meltdown because of miscommunication or because we couldn’t tell what he wanted. It was absolutely the best parenting decision I have made yet. LONG before he could speak he could communicate his basic needs to us, all but eliminating frustration and confusion.
At one point, just before he was two, I was beginning to feel concerned that we had delayed his speech because he didn’t NEED to learn to speak when he could sign so well. As soon as he started to really talk though, it was an outpouring of well enunciated words and his vocabulary went through the roof within days. Now, only a month later, he has started to point at letters and say their sounds.
I HIGHLY recommend baby sign language for all families.
Live Well!