Eat: Baby and Toddler Snack Ideas – 9 to 12 Months and Beyond
At around 8/9 months, babies should now be eating a few times a day and hopefully have been introduced to plenty of fruits, veggies, and grains. Between 10 and 12 months, it is time to start thinking about throwing in a couple of snack times too; even if you plan to breastfeed past 1 year, your little person should be getting the majority of their nutrients from food at 12 months.
Here are some ideas for tried and true favorites:
- Toast Fingers
- Mini Carrot & Zucchini Muffins, Mini Cranberry Orange Muffins
- Bananas, Kiwi, Apricot or other soft fleshed fruit rolled in baby cereal/crushed cereal/flakes – helps keep the fruit from slithering out of little hands and tastes great!
- Baked Apple Chips
- Home-made Oat Cakes
- Quinoa Patties (think latkes)
- Cheese Quesadillas on Wholegrain Tortillas
- Roasted Cauliflower Bites
- PB & J or Cream Cheese roll ups (sliced into skinny rounds)
- Banana Slice and PB “sandwiches”
- Tiny Turkey Meatballs
- Small Corn Tortillas Baked with non-chunky mild salsa and Cheese
- Home-made Cheese Crackers or Parmesan Straws
I haven’t included recipes here, because there are many variations to be found online or in your culinary repertoire perhaps, but if you would like a recipe for any of the above ideas, please feel free to email me at info(at)eatplaysleep.ca and I would be happy to share!
Live Well!