Maternity Sleep Help Coming Soon!
I am SO excited to be embarking on some professional development specifically about maternity sleep, and to soon be able to offer prenatal support for Mamas, in addition to educating families about infant/child sleep, and beyond.
While it is becoming more common for families to ready themselves for “sleep shaping” with infants, by seeking the support of a sleep coach or consultant when their newborn arrives, there continues to be very little support or education to support families with sleep challenges, during pregnancy.
This will be another amazing component to offer families when I return from my own maternity leave, and I am passionately convinced that the earlier we can share resources and tools with parents, the closer we get to the possibility of eradicating the need to “Sleep Train” babies later on.
My ultimate goal, professionally, is to see healthy sleep habits instilled in children, from the very day you give birth so as to eliminate the need to undo unhealthy habits later on, which is FAR more difficult! Now, I will be able to support parents in establishing their own healthy sleep habits in the months prior to that baby’s arrival. What could be better?
Having sleep support prenatally will uplift the emotional well-being of Mamas, curb sleep disorders in pregnancy and the resulting children, and allow parents to get stronger physically and mentally for labor. Proper sleep is proven to balance stress hormones, and excessive stress hormones can affect that crucial labor process. Additionally, Postpartum Depression can actually begin before the postpartum period and exhaustion is a huge factor, so this will be a very special area to support families in, and a tremendous contribution to the families I work with.
A healthy, vital Mama equals a healthy baby, and pregnancy is the best time to establish healthy sleep habits so that you can continue them after that baby is born, and share them with your infant.
I cannot WAIT to be a bigger part of that, and to introduce that aspect to my practice.
Have an amazing week everyone!